Principal Adverse Impacts
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Carsten Koy
ESG Officer
The EU goal of transforming the European economy towards a sustainable, ecologically and ethically focused economy defines new criteria to be disclosed and taken into account in future investment processes.
These criteria are the Principle Adverse Impacts, or PAI for short. At the company level, impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors are to be reported. This concerns adverse impacts on environmental, social and labour issues, respect for human rights and the fight against corruption and bribery, and for the time being only applies to large companies with more than 500 employees.
We welcome PAIs and have therefore made them an integral part of our actions. Therefore, in the future, we will also report on impacts of our investments without obligation.
Furthermore, we support the achievement of the European Union's climate goals by taking these into account in our strategic investment processes DNSH* criteria. This means that we make a significant contribution to achieving at least one criterion without violating another.
*Do No Significant Harm
Would you like personal contact?
Call us or send us an e-mail.

Carsten Koy
ESG Officer